Sevgi Varol

CHE | Fagott

Starting her musical career singing in a choir, Sevgi Varol was accepted to Hacettepe University State Conservatory where she began to study bassoon with Gulnur Kurt in 2007. After completing high school, in 2014 Varol has enrolled in the Bilkent University Faculty of Music and Performing Arts with a high scholarship to continue her bassoon studies with Ozan Evruk. In 2018, she has completed her bachelor degree in Bilkent University and graduated as the highest ranked graduate of the year. Between 2018–2021 Varol has pursued her first Master’s Degree in Music Performance with Matthias Racz in Zurich University of Arts ZHdK in Zurich, Switzerland.

During her studies Sevgi Varol has participated in a number of masterclasses with Klaus Thunemann, Sergio Azzolini, Matthias Racz, Stefano Canuti, Guilhaume Santana, Simon van Holen, Patrick de Ritis, Susanne Sonntag, Gabriele Screpis and has received numerous scholarships from Lyra Foundation, Zangger Weber Foundation, Dr. Nejat F. Eczacibasi Foundation, Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation, «The Rising Women Stars of the Future» and Zackowski Foundation. Additionally, Sevgi took part in some professional orchestras as a member and substitute such as Musikkollegium Winterthur, Paax GNP Festival/Impossible Orchestra, MusicAEterna, Luzern Symphony Orchestra, Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz, Zürcher Symphoniker, Basel Festival Orchestra, St. Moritz-Basel Opera Orchestra, Bilkent Symphony Orchestra, Cyprus Presidential Symphony Orchestra and Antalya State Symphony Orchestra.

Sevgi Varol had voluntary internship in Opernhaus Zurich as a part of her second Master's Degree in Specialized Music Performance (Orchestra) in Zürcher Hochschule der Künste as the student of Giorgio Mandolesi. Currently she has been completed her second Master’s Degree with distinction and appointed as co-prinpical bassoon and contrabassoonist in Musikkollegium Winterthur.


7. August 2025, 08.45–16.00 Uhr, Davos
5. August 2025, 20.30–21.45 Uhr, Kirche St. Johann
3. August 2025, 17.00–18.00 Uhr, Eisstadion Davos
© Hervé Chellé